New in distro :
ARKTHINN - IVVVI (double digipack) MAHR -Antelux (excellent debut album)
is out today !

New Brouillard album
is available. We printed a beautiful poster and crafted some candles for a special nocturnal edition limited to 32 copies.

Is out. And it's beautiful.

Brouillard 2013 available again
For the last day of autumn, the first Brouillard full-lenght has been reedited in a new artwork, with homemade booklet including tracing...

Transcendance est très fier de vous annoncer sa collaboration avec le groupe CENDRES pour une réédition CD de son excellente démo...

New in distro
Arrival of HIGH QUALITY Atmospheric Black Metal albums today, just for you fans of cosmic transcendance : . - ARKHTINN - IIIIII -...
Brouillard first album reissue
Brouillard first album of 2013 will be re-edited and released within the forthcoming weeks. Same music, new artwork, tracing paper and...

Transcendance is proud to annouce his collaboration with Decomposition - side project of Bornyhake, from famous swiss band Borgne, Pure,...

Stand à Lorient
A l'occasion du concert de Sale Freux, on sera à Lorient, au bar du Gallion, ce samedi 23 septembre, derrière le stand Transcendance -...